Novogodišnji PENTOMINO - New Year's PENTOMINO
ZADATAK: U sivu mrežu levo, treba smestiti 12
N-pentomina, a u sivu mrežu desno, 12
Y-pentomina. Pentomina se mogu rotirati i reflektovati, ali se ne smeju dodirivati, čak ni dijagonalno.
OBRAČUN (prema srednjoj mreži): Za svako polje koje se koristi samo jednom, dobija se 5 poena. Za svako prazno polje, rezultat se umanjuje za 1 poen, a za svako polje na kome se pentomina preklapaju (polja sa 2 slova), rezultat se umanjuje za 2 poena.
Obračun za primer u manjoj mreži sa 4 pentomina:
(34x5) - (12x1) - (3x2) = 152*******************************************************************************
N-pentominos should be put in the grey grid on the left, and 12
Y-pentominos should be put in the grey grid on the right. Pentominos can be rotated and reflected, but they cannot touch one another, not even diagonally.
SCORE CALCULATION (according to the grid in the middle): Each field that is used only once worth 5 points. For each empty field, the score is reduced by 1, and for each field where pentominos overlap (fields with 2 letters), the score is reduced by 2 points.