Kontrolor Admin
Broj poruka : 13674 Datum upisa : 19.06.2009 Godina : 69 Lokacija : Požarevac
| Naslov: PRAVILA I GENERALNA DISKUSIJA Čet 2 Jan 2014 - 12:24 | |
Liga optimizatora 2014. godine, odvijaće se po sledećim pravilima:
- Takmičenje je otvoreno za sve zainteresovane,
- Zadaci će biti postavljani početkom meseca, a vreme za rešavanje je ~15 dana,
- Za olakšano rešavanje optimizacija, zadaci se pripremaju u vidu excel fajla, sa formulama za automatski obračun rezultata. Rešeni zadatak treba snimiti i poslati priređivaču imejlom,
- Rešenja se mogu slati više puta do isteka predviđenog roka, a takmičari koji pošalju rešenje imaju uvid u pristigle rezultate,
- Bodovanje svakog zadatka je posebno definisano pravilima, a za generalni plasman rezultati će biti preračunati u procentima, u odnosu na najbolje rešenje (ili rešenja) koje(a) dobija(ju) 100 poena,
- 10 najuspešnijih takmičara kola dobija bonus poene od 10 do 1. U slučaju istog rezultata odlučuje vreme slanja rešenja,
- Za generalni plasman Lige optimizatora, računa se 6 najboljih rezultata u toku godine, što znači da je maksimalan mogući broj poena 660. | |
The Optimizer's League will be organized by the following rules:
- The competition is open for everyone who is interested,
- The tasks will be announced at the beginning of the month, and time period for solving them is 15 days,
- To make the solving of the optimization easier, tasks are prepared as excel files, with formulas for automatic score calculation. Completed tasks should be copied and sent to the editor by an email,
- Completed tasks can be sent more than once until the specified deadline elapses and competitors who send completed tasks can see all the results arrived to that point,
- Scoring of each task is specifically defined by the rules, and general rankings will be calculated in percentages comparing to the best solution (or solutions) which worth 100 points,
- 10 most successful competitors of the round get bonus points from 10 to 1. In case of the same results, the time of sending them is decisive ,
- 6 best scores during the year are used for calculating general rankings of The Optimizers’ League, which means that the maximum possible number of points is 660. |
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Kontrolor Admin
Broj poruka : 13674 Datum upisa : 19.06.2009 Godina : 69 Lokacija : Požarevac
| Naslov: Re: PRAVILA I GENERALNA DISKUSIJA Čet 2 Jan 2014 - 15:04 | |
| Poruka od šampiona 2013 : - Gerhard ::
Hi Jovan,
at the end of the League optimizer's 2013, I would like to thank you. You have given me and the other participants with these 12 very beautiful, sophisticated optimizers for many weeks puzzle fun and excitement. I know that with it much work is connected. You lead the competition in 2014 still continues - I have great respect.
I hope your work will be in the future better supported by the Association and the German puzzles fans take part in numerous than before.
For 2014 I wish you health, strength, and many good ideas.
Gerhard | |